Participating Employers - Alabama State Agency Job Fair

Employer NameNumber Of PositionsCompany TypePosition Type
Alabama Department of Mental Health50GovernmentMental Health Specialists Planning and Quality Assurance Specialists Community Services Specialists Mental Health Technicians RN's (Full-time and even Hourly/Part-time) Nurse Practitioners Psychologists Dietitians Mental Health Police Officers and Lieutenants Mental Health Special Agents (Montgomery and K9 Handler for our facilities)
Alabama Department of Transportation15TransportationEngineering Aide Clerk Environmental Specialist Architect Wildlife Biologist Transportation Maintenance Technician Civil Engineer Programmer Analyst
ALABAMA ABC BOARD10GovernmentABC sales associate I- retail sales/cashier/stocking shelves Warehouse worker Administrative support assistant I State IT trainee
Alabama Finance Personnel5GovernmentAccountant Budget Analysist
Retirement Systems of Alabama3GovernmentSummer Interns (2026) Retirement Counselor Accountant
Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources100GovernmentAll levels of management professionals and support staff for Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries, State Parks, State lands, and Marine Resources Divisions.
Alabama Department of Environmental Management3GovernmentEnvironmental Scientist Environmental Engineering Specialist Clerk/ASA
Alabama Department of Public Health50Public HealthAll
Alabama Department of Revenue50GovernmentRevenue Tax Accountant/Auditor, Revenue Compliance Officer, Financial Specialist. State Professional Trainee
Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries12GovernmentMicrobiologist Series Chemist Series Biologist Series Laboratory Technician Series Consumer Food Safety Specialist/Meat - 70106 Agriculture Consumer Protection Specialist - 70107 Consumer Weights and measures Protection Specialist - 70108 Student Interns Laborers FTE and PT Vet Diagnostic Specialist (Pathologist) 70248 Animal Industry Veterinarian
In The Door5Youth Career ProgramWe are a program gear towards helping youth in and out of school youth 16-24 get into the workforce. We offer credential programs, Work-Based learning Positions as well as soft skills such as resume building, interview practice, financial literacy.
Alabama Department of Insurance3InsuranceInsurance Examiner 11231 Communications and Public Relations Specialist, Senior 11045 Insurance Complaint Specialist 11221 
Alabama Emergency Management Agency5GovernmentEmergency Management Series
Alabama Law Enforcement Agency50GovernmentPolice Communications Officer I - ALEA Option (21121-220) Driver License Examiner I (60410) ALEA Trooper Trainee (60670) Administrative Support Assistant I (10196)
Dynamic Education Systems Inc30EducationWe are partnered with WIOA to sponsor our clients to attend programs to get certified in different trades. We aid our clients from ages 16-24 in obtaining their high school diploma.
Alabama Department of Workforce10GovernmentTraining Specialist, ASA, IT tech, ES Reps, UC c
Alabama Medicaid10GovernmentClerical IT Eligibility Finance/Accounting Nursing Administrative
Montgomery Housing Authority5GovernmentDirector of Resident Services Maintenance Mechanic Assistant Property Manager Interns
Alabama Department of Corrections 999GovernmentCorrectional Officer Trainee
State of Alabama Personnel Department5GovernmentState Personnel Analyst Communications and Public Relations Specialist State Professional Trainee Administrative Support Assistant