Alabama Department of Labor
Report Suspected Unemployment (UI) Benefit Fraud & Abuse
* Required fields
Please select the specific reason you feel the suspect was involved in possible UI Fraud. If the reason is not listed, please select "Other". You will then be required to provide information about the suspected UI Fraud and Abuse.*
Suspect is currently employed by me or the business I represent and I suspect this claim as fraudulent.
Suspect has never worked for me or the business I represent.
Suspect is receiving UI benefits and is working, but not reporting earnings.
If selected, please provide employer's name, phone number, hire date, earnings, and any other information in the "Additional Information" area below.
Suspect is receiving UI benefits but is not looking for work.
Suspect is self-employed.
If selected, please provide the name and type of suspect's business, earnings, type of business, days and hours of operation/work, advertising information, and any other information that proves the self-employment in the "Additional Information" area below.
If selected, provide information about the suspected UI Fraud & Abuse in the "Additional Information" area below.
Additional Information:
Please provide additional information about the suspected UI Fraud and Abuse, based on the selection made above.
(Enter up to 250 characters)
Suspect's Information:
We review all tips received, regardless of how much information is provided. However, the more details you can give when reporting unemployment fraud, the better it will help us in our investigation.
Last Name:*
First Name:*
Street Address:
Your Contact Information: (Optional)
Last Name:  
First Name:  
Street Address: 
Email Address:*
Do you certify that the information you entered is accurate to the best of your knowledge?
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